Today’s Woman

An award-winning animated film that artistically represents centuries of rape as a weapon of oppression across many civilizations while set to voiceover excerpts from a 1973 educational PSA of men explaining how women can prevent rape.

Directed, Animated, and Edited by Radha Mehta
Music by Luke Atencio
Sound Mix by Juan Pablo Naranjo

The voiceovers heard in this film is sourced from “Rape: A Preventive Inquiry”, an educational PSA published in 1973 available on the public domain at

The images below, all handrawn by the filmmaker/artist Radha Mehta, are artistic representations of centuries of rape as a weapon of oppression across many civilizations. For the sake of brevity, listed below each image is an excerpt and link to the source to explain its history. However, please be sure to scroll to the end for a list of resources as additional reading material on this topic.


Book of Zechariah 14:2

//I will gather all the nations to Jerusalem to fight against it; the city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. Half of the city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city.//
Source: New International Version in


Book of Isaiah 13:6

//Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated.//
Source: New International Version in


Rape of the Sabine Women

//The Roman historian Livy, writing during the first century, traces Rome’s origins to the mid-8th century B.C., when the warrior tribe was facing a shortage of women. “Population growth was the most difficult thing to achieve in antiquity,” says Thomas Martin, author of Ancient Rome: From Romulus to Justinian. According to Livy, the Roman leader, Romulus, held a religious festival and invited the neighboring Sabine tribe, (“Free food and drink,” notes Martin.) At Romulus’s signal, the Romans attacked and killed the Sabine men at the festival and carried off the women. In the resulting bloody war, the Sabine women called a halt to the hostilities, making allies of the tribes and allowing the Romans to multiply. //
Source: “When Sexual Assaults Made History” in


Rise of Alexander The Great

//An act of sexual violence may have contributed to the rise of Alexander the Great, according to Greek historians Diodorus Siculus and Plutarch. Their accounts were written hundreds of years after the event was supposed to have taken place, but the story goes like this: In 336 B.C., Pausanias of Orestis, a member of the bodyguard of King Philip II of Macedonia (and possibly his lover), was invited to a banquet by Philip’s father-in-law, Attalus. There, he was raped by Attalus’s servants. When Philip refused to punish the attackers (he did give Pausanias a promotion), Pausanias murdered the king, paving the way for the ascension of Philip’s son, Alexander the Great.//
Source: “When Sexual Assaults Made History” in


Boudicca’s Fight for Independence

//Celtic tribes were a constant thorn in the Roman Empire’s side from the moment they invaded the Island of Britain in 45 A.D. The Iceni, a Celtic tribe in East Anglia, were led by a king named Prasutagus, who was married to Boudicca. When Prasutagus died, Rome claimed his kingdom, over the objections of Boudicca, who was flogged publicly and forced to watch her daughters raped by Roman soldiers. Boudicca then assembled a powerful army and rebelled against the Romans, eventually sacking London (then called Londinium). The Roman historian Cassius Dio describes how Boudicca’s own soldiers then violently assaulted Roman women there: "Their breasts were cut off and stuffed in their mouths, so that they seemed to be eating them, then their bodies were skewered lengthwise on sharp stakes." Boudicca’s rebellion was eventually crushed by the Roman general, Gaius Suetonius in 60 or 61 A.D.//
Source: “When Sexual Assaults Made History” in


Revolt of the Batavi

//The Revolt of the Batavi took place in the Roman province of Germania Inferior between AD 69 and 70. It was an uprising against the Roman Empire started by the Batavi, a small but militarily powerful Germanic tribe that inhabited Batavia, on the delta of the river Rhine. They were soon joined by the Celtic tribes from Gallia Belgica and some Germanic tribes.//
//Roman military officers using young Batavian boys for homosexual intercourse during the Revolt of the Batavi was noted by the historian Tacitus.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Huns & Wendish Women

//According to medieval historians, the Huns and Avars, who invaded eastern Europe during Late Antiquity, harassed Wendish women and kept them in bondage as sex slaves.//
//Each year, the Huns [Avars] came to the Slavs, to spend the winter with them; then they took the wives and daughters of the Slavs and slept with them, and among the other mistreatments [already mentioned] the Slavs were also forced to pay levies to the Huns. But the sons of the Huns, who were [then] raised with the wives and daughters of these Wends [Slavs] could not finally endure this oppression anymore and refused obedience to the Huns and began, as already mentioned, a rebellion. — Chronicle of Fredegar, Book IV, Section 48, written circa 642//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Arab Slave Trade

//Female slavery and war rapes were also common during the medieval Arab slave trade, where prisoners of war captured in battle from non-Arab lands often ended up as concubine slaves (who are considered free when their master dies) in the Arab World. Most of these slaves came from places such as Sub-Saharan Africa (mainly Zanj), the Caucasus (mainly Circassians), Central Asia (mainly Tartars), and Central and Eastern Europe (mainly Saqaliba).//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Barbary Pirates

//According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves in North Africa and Ottoman Empire between the 16th and 19th centuries. However, to extrapolate his numbers, Davis assumes the number of European slaves captured by Barbary pirates were constant for a 250-year period, stating:
There are no records of how many men, women and children were enslaved, but it is possible to calculate roughly the number of fresh captives that would have been needed to keep populations steady and replace those slaves who died, escaped, were ransomed, or converted to Islam. On this basis it is thought that around 8,500 new slaves were needed annually to replenish numbers – about 850,000 captives over the century from 1580 to 1680. By extension, for the 250 years between 1530 and 1780, the figure could easily have been as high as 1,250,000.//
Source: “Barbary Pirates” in Wikipedia


Jurchens & Khitan

//Before the Jurchens (term used to collectively describe a number of East Asian Tungusic-speaking peoples who lived in the northeast of China, later known as Manchuria, before the 18th century) overthrew the Khitan (Para-Mongolic nomadic people from Northeast Asia who, from the 4th century, inhabited an area corresponding to parts of modern Mongolia, Northeast China and the Russian Far East), married Jurchen women and Jurchen girls were raped by Liao Khitan envoys as a custom which caused resentment by the Jurchens against the Khitan. Song princesses committed suicide to avoid rape or were killed for resisting rape by the Jin.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Genghis Khan

//The Mongols, who established the Mongol Empire across much of Eurasia, caused much destruction during their invasions. Documents written during or after Genghis Khan's reign say that after a conquest, the Mongol soldiers looted, pillaged and raped. Some troops who submitted were incorporated into the Mongol system in order to expand their manpower. These techniques were sometimes used to spread terror and warning to others.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Sack of Delhi by Timur

//Battle of Delhi, (17 December 1398). In 1398 the Mongol-Turkish warrior Timur, ruler of Central Asia from his capital at Samarkand, found a pretext to strike south into India. His victory over the sultan of Delhi confirmed the irresistible fighting qualities of his army and the awesome destructiveness that made him a legend of cruelty.//
//The charge of Timur’s horsemen was certainly decisive, reportedly scattering the Indian soldiers "as hungry lions scatter a flock of sheep." Victorious in the field, Timur unleashed his warriors upon Delhi in an orgy of destruction from which the city took a century to recover.//
Source: “Battle of Delhi” in


Conquest of the Americas

//When Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus voyaged to the Caribbean in the 1490s, he not only discovered new lands, at least one of his men would document his own rape and torture of an Indigenous woman. Michele de Cuneo, a noble friend of Columbus, tells of a “Carib woman” given to him by the admiral. When she fought back against his attempted sexual attacks, he “took a piece of rope and whipped her soundly...finally we came to an agreement in such manner that I can tell you she seemed to have been brought up in a school for harlots.” Columbus’ ships would eventually sail back to Europe, carrying more than 1,000 enslaved people.//
Source: “When Sexual Assaults Made History” in


War of the Three Kingdoms

//During the War of the Three Kingdoms, a significant number of women were gang-raped by Royalist and Irish Confederate troops under General Montrose who sacked Aberdeen in Scotland in 1644.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Ush Rebellion

//The Ush rebellion in 1765 by Uyghur Muslims against the Manchus of the Qing dynasty occurred after Uyghur women were gang raped by the servants and son of Manchu official Su-cheng. It was said that Ush Muslims had long wanted to sleep on [Sucheng and son's] hides and eat their flesh. because of the rape of Uyghur Muslim women for months by the Manchu official Sucheng and his son. The Manchu Emperor ordered that the Uyghur rebel town be massacred, the Qing forces enslaved all the Uyghur children and women and slaughtered the Uyghur men. Manchu soldiers and Manchu officials regularly having sex with or raping Uyghur women caused massive hatred and anger by Uyghur Muslims to Manchu rule. The invasion by Jahangir Khoja was preceded by another Manchu official, Binjing who raped a Muslim daughter of the Kokan aqsaqal from 1818 to 1820. The Qing sought to cover up the rape of Uyghur women by Manchus to prevent anger against their rule from spreading among the Uyghurs.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Dutch Formosa

//Multiple Taiwanese Aboriginal villages in frontier areas rebelled against the Dutch in the 1650s due to acts of oppression, such as when the Dutch ordered that aboriginal women be turned over to them for sex, and when they demanded that deer pelts and rice be given to them by aborigines in the Taipei basin in Wu-lao-wan village, sparking a rebellion in December 1652.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Siege of Fort Zeelandia

//Dutch women were kept as sexual slaves by the Chinese after the Dutch were expelled from Taiwan in 1662. During the 1662 Siege of Fort Zeelandia in which Chinese Ming loyalist forces commanded by Koxinga besieged and defeated the Dutch East India Company and conquered Taiwan, the Chinese took Dutch women and children prisoner.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Mutiny on the Bounty

//In April of 1779, Fletcher Christian and 18 of his loyal seamen seized a ship from Captain William Bligh in an incident made famous in the novel and movie, Mutiny on the Bounty. Christian and his sailors settled on the tiny Pitcairn Islands in the South Pacific, as well as on Tahiti, where their descendants still live. In 1999, a rape accusation from a 15-year-old girl was brought against an older man on the island. The trial revealed a culture of sexual abuse of children that had carried on for generations. In 2004, seven men, who comprised one-third of the island’s male population, went on trial for sexual offenses. The trials were complicated by many factors, including the island’s remoteness and lack of a legal system. In the end, six of the seven accused were found guilty and three were jailed, although none received significant sentences.//
Source: “When Sexual Assaults Made History” in


Sepoy Mutiny

//During the Indian Rebellion of 1857, known as "India's First War of Independence" to the Indians and as the "Sepoy Mutiny" to the British, Indian sepoys rebelled en masse against the East India Company's rule over India. Incidents of rape committed by Indian sepoys against British women and children were reported in the English press, particularly after British civilians fell into Indian hands after sieges such as at Cawnpore. //
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Taiping Rebellion

//The Ever Victorious Army which defeated the Taiping Rebellion in Qing China gained notoriety among the Chinese populace for frequently looting villages and raping women.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Slavery During the U.S. Civil War

//Murphy’s book states that there are records of 450 rape or attempted rape cases in Union military courts (destruction of the Confederate records leaves the stats on that side a mystery). Outside the courtroom, societal pressures and the value placed on chastity made it difficult for women to come forward at all. And there was a huge race factor—even Mitchell admits, two paragraphs down from his dissection of the era’s conception of manhood, that “most of the rapes that northern soldiers committed were of black women,” and Murphy writes that “most states had laws stating that no crime of rape against slave women existed,” leaving them even less recourse to seek justice.//
Source: “Gender, Race, and Rape During the Civil War in


Harriet Jacobs

//Harriet Jacobs on Rape and Slavery, 1860
Harriet Jacobs was born into slavery in North Carolina. After escaping to New York, Jacobs eventually wrote a narrative of her enslavement under the pseudonym of Linda Brent. In this excerpt Jacobs explains her experience struggling with sexual assault from her enslaver. //
Source: “Harriet Jacobs on Rape and Slavery, 1860” in The American Yawp Reader



//The pogrom that broke out in Skvira, a large town at a railroad junction southwest of Kiev and home to the Chernobyl Hasidic court, in December 1919, was the eighth since October 1917. For two weeks, the Denikin army troops had terrorized the Jews of Skvira: at least sixty people had been killed, over three hundred were wounded, and a “huge” number of women were raped, with almost twenty of them subsequently requiring medical help.//
Source: “Chapter 3: The Perfect Weapon: Mass Rape as a Public Spectacle” in JSTOR


Boxer Rebellion

//During the Boxer Rebellion, the Yihetuan committed several massacres of foreign civilians (motivated by their anti-Christian and anti-Western sentiment). The forces of the Eight-Nation Alliance, upon their capture of Peking, went on violent rampages against Chinese civilians, looting, raping, and murdering numerous civilians they came across. The number of women who committed suicide numbered in the thousands.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Herero Wars

//In German South-West Africa during the Herero rebellion against German rule (and the subsequent Herero and Namaqua Genocide), German soldiers regularly engaged in gang rapes before killing the women or leaving them in the desert to die; a number of Herero women were also forced into involuntary prostitution.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


World War I

//Rapes were allegedly committed during the German advance through Belgium in the first months of the war. //
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


World War II

//The sometimes widespread and systematic occurrence of war rape of women by soldiers has been documented. During World War II and in its immediate aftermath, war rape occurred in a range of situations, ranging from institutionalized sexual slavery to war rapes associated with specific battles.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Propaganda of World Wars

//The atrocities committed against Belgian and French civilians by German troops was a central focus of Allied war propaganda. Pictures of defiled and mutilated women and children were used to justify the war and to mobilize the population of the Allied countries.//
Source: Sexual Violence in Allied War Propaganda in


Comfort Women

//The term "comfort women" is a euphemism for the estimated 200,000, mostly Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese and Filipino women who were said to be forced to serve as sex slaves in Japanese military brothels during World War II."//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Nanjing Massacre

//In the Nanking Massacre, Japanese soldiers were said to have sexually assaulted Chinese women who were trapped in the city of Nanjing when it fell to the Japanese on 13 December 1937. The International Military Tribunal for the Far East estimated that 20,000 (to 80,000) women, children, were raped or otherwise sexually assaulted during the occupation.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Australian Troops in Kure

//Australian Army: A former prostitute recalled that as soon as Australian troops arrived in Kure in early 1946, they 'dragged young women into their jeeps, took them to the mountain, and then raped them. I heard them screaming for help nearly every night'.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Battle of Okinawa

//United States Army: A large number of rapes were committed by U.S. forces during the Battle of Okinawa in 1945. The Judge Advocate General's office reports that there were 971 convictions for rape in the U.S. military from January 1942 to June 1947, which includes a portion of the occupation.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Village Women of Motobu Peninsula

//Soon after the U.S. marines landed, all the women of a village on Motobu Peninsula fell into the hands of American soldiers. At the time, there were only women, children and old people in the village, as all the young men had been mobilized for the war. Soon after landing, the marines "mopped up" the entire village, but found no signs of Japanese forces. Taking advantage of the situation, they started "hunting for women" in broad daylight and those who were hiding in the village or nearby air raid shelters were dragged out one after another.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Soviet Invasion of Manchuria

//During the Soviet invasion of Manchuria, Soviet and Mongolian soldiers attacked and raped Japanese civilians, often encouraged by the local Chinese population who were resentful of Japanese rule. The local Chinese population sometimes even joined in these attacks against the Japanese population with the Soviet soldiers. //
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Gegenmiao Massacre

//In one famous example, during the Gegenmiao massacre, Soviet soldiers, encouraged by the local Chinese population, raped and massacred over one thousand Japanese women and children. Property of the Japanese were also looted by the Soviet soldiers and Chinese.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Invasion of Sicily

//British Army: Italian statistics record eight rapes and nineteen attempted rapes by British soldiers in Italy between September 1943 and December 1945, during and after the invasion of Sicily.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Invasion of Poland

//Rapes were committed by Wehrmacht forces on Jewish women and girls during the Invasion of Poland in September 1939; they were also committed against Polish, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Russian women and girls during mass executions which were primarily carried out by the Selbstschutz units, with the assistance of Wehrmacht soldiers who were stationed in territory that was under the administration of the German military; the rapes were committed against female captives before they were shot.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia



//Jewish women were particularly vulnerable to rape during The Holocaust.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


City of Smolensk Military Brothel

//In the Soviet Union women were kidnapped by German forces for prostitution as well; one report by the International Military Tribunal writes "in the city of Smolensk the German Command opened a brothel for officers in one of the hotels into which hundreds of women and girls were driven; they were mercilessly dragged down the street by their arms and hair."//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia



//French Army: French Moroccan troops, known as Goumiers, committed rapes and other war crimes in Italy after the Battle of Monte Cassino and in Germany. In Italy, victims of the mass rape committed after the Battle of Monte Cassino by Goumiers, colonial troops of the French Expeditionary Corps, are known as Marocchinate. According to Italian sources, more than 7,000 Italian civilians, including women and children, were raped by Goumiers.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Senegalese Tirailleurs

//French Senegalese troops too, known as Senegalese Tirailleurs, who landed on the island of Elba on 17 June 1944, were responsible for mass rapes, though their behavior was considered less brutal than that of the French North African troops in continental Italy.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Recy Taylor

//Recy Taylor was 24 when, in 1944, she was kidnapped by six men while walking home from church in Abbeville, Alabama, and gang-raped in the back of a truck. Even though one of the perpetrators had confessed, two white juries refused to indict the accused. Taylor’s rape and the reaction, emblematic of the repressive Jim Crow south, helped galvanize the civil rights movement. When the details of her story were reported in the Black press, the NAACP sent Rosa Parks to Abbeville to investigate the matter. Parks established the Committee for Equal Justice for Mrs. Recy Taylor, the leaders of which went on to organize the Montgomery Bus Boycotts. In 2011, the Alabama State Legislature officially apologized to Taylor for its lack of prosecution.//
Source: “When Sexual Assaults Made History” in


Korean War

//During 11 months of 1952 in the 110,000-man logistics branch of Chinese Volunteer Army, there were 41 men charged with rapes, also there were adultery, sodomy, murder and traffic accident killings.//
//The United States military had been using prostitution services in South Korean military camptowns during and following the Korean War. Some prostitutes later accused South Korea's former leaders of "encouraging them to have sex with the American soldiers who protected South Korea from North Korea". In addition, they claimed that the Korean government saw them as "commodities to be used to shore up the country's struggling economy" after the Korean War. In 2017, it was ruled that the South Korean government broke the law by detaining prostitutes.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Vietnam War

//There were rapes and sexual atrocities committed by American servicemen and South Korean troops in the Vietnam war.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Indonesian Invasion

//The Indonesian invasion of East Timor and West Papua caused the murders of approximately 300,000 to 400,000 West Papuans and many thousands of women raped.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Genocide in Bangladesh

//During the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971, numerous women were tortured and raped by Pakistani army. Exact numbers are not known and are a subject of debate. Most of the women were captured from Dhaka University and private homes and kept as sex-slaves inside the Dhaka Cantonment.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Turkish Invasion of Cyprus

//Turkish troops were responsible for wholesale and repeated rapes of women of all ages from 12 to 71, sometimes to such an extent that the victims suffered hemorrhages or became mental wrecks. In some areas, enforced prostitution was practiced, all women and girls of a village being collected and put into separate rooms in empty houses where they were raped repeatedly.//
Source: “The terrible secrets of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus” in Lobby for Cyprus


Shining Path of Peru

//It has been reported that in Peru, throughout the 12-year internal conflict, women were frequent victims of sustained war rape perpetrated by government security forces and the Shining Path.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

//The Soviet forces abducted Afghan women in helicopters while flying in the country in search of mujahideen. In November 1980 a number of such incidents had taken place in various parts of the country, including Laghman and Kama. Soviet soldiers as well as KhAD agents kidnapped young women from the city of Kabul and the areas of Darul Aman and Khair Khana, near the Soviet garrisons, to rape them. Women who returned home were considered 'dishonored' by their families.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Yugoslav Wars

//Reports of sexual violence during the Bosnian War (1992–95) and Kosovo War (1998–99), part of the Yugoslav Wars, a series of conflicts from 1991 to 1999, have been described as "especially alarming". During the Kosovo War thousands of Kosovo Albanian women and girls became victims of sexual violence by Serbian paramilitaries, soldiers or policemen. The majority of rapes were gang rapes. //
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Siege of Sarajevo

//During the Bosnian War, Bosnian Serb forces conducted a sexual abuse strategy against thousands of Bosnian Muslim girls and women which became known as a "mass rape phenomenon". No exact figures on how many women and children were systematically raped by the Serb forces in various camps were established, but estimates range from 20,000 to 50,000. Mass rape mostly occurred in eastern Bosnia (especially during the Foča and Višegrad massacres), and in Grbavica during the Siege of Sarajevo.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Rwandan Genocide

//During the Rwandan genocide, from April until July 1994, hundreds of thousands of women and girls were raped or became the victims of other forms of sexual violence. Although no explicit written orders to commit rape and other acts of sexual violence have been found, evidence suggests that military leaders encouraged or ordered their men to rape the Tutsis, and they also condoned the acts which were already taking place, without making efforts to stop them.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Sri Lankan Civil War

//During the Sri Lankan Civil War, multiple Human Rights Organizations have reported cases of rape, violence and disappearance of women in the 1990s, claiming to be committed by security forces. Government officials, including the president, have denied the claims and agreed to co-operate with the investigations and prosecute whomever they find guilty.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Abu Ghraib Prison & Iraq War

//American soldiers gang raped a 14 year old Iraqi girl in the Mahmudiyah rape and killings. Iraqi women were also raped by both US soldiers and by collaborationist Iraqi police working with the US at Abu Ghraib. Some Iraqi women were left pregnant by the rapes by US guards.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


War in Darfur

//In these camps (refugee camps due to conflict in Darfur per Amnesty International), women appear to form the majority of the adult refugee population. The organization was able to collect information concerning an estimated 250 women who have been raped in the context of the conflict in Darfur and to collect information concerning an estimated 250 further rapes.//
Source: “Sudan: Darfur: Rape as a weapon of War: Sexual violence and its consequences” in Amnesty International


Libyan Civil Wars

//The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Luis Moreno Ocampo, claimed that there is evidence that Gaddafi's troops used rape as a weapon during the Libyan Civil War.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Rohingya Genocide in Myanmar

//In 2016–2017 and beyond, many Rohingya Muslim women were raped by Burmese soldiers during the Rohingya genocide.//
Source: “Wartime Sexual Violence” in Wikipedia


Anita Hill

//Anita Hill, American attorney and educator who garnered national attention for her testimony in the 1991 Senate confirmation hearings for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas, whom she accused of sexual harassment.//


Christine Blasey Ford

//Christine Blasey Ford is an American professor of psychology at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine. In September 2018, Ford alleged that then-U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in Bethesda, Maryland, when they were teenagers in the summer of 1982. She testified about her allegations during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing regarding Kavanaugh's Supreme Court nomination later that month.//
Source: Christine Blasey Ford in Wikipedia


Rachael Denhollander

//Rachael Joy Denhollander is an American lawyer and former gymnast. She was the first woman to publicly accuse Larry Nassar, the former Michigan State University and USA Gymnastics doctor, of sexual assault.//
Source: Rachael Denhollander on Wikipedia


Chanel Miller

//Chanel Miller (born June 12, 1992) is an American writer and artist based in San Francisco, California and New York City. She was known anonymously after she was sexually assaulted on the campus of Stanford University in 2015 by Brock Allen Turner.//
Source: Chanel Miller on Wikipedia


Tarana Burke

//Tarana Burke is an American activist from The Bronx, New York who started the Me Too movement.//
Source: Tarana Burke on Wikipedia


Sheroes vs Harvey Weinstein

This drawing is inspired by the cover of the Guardian article “How Harvey Weinstein’s accusers gave women worldwide a voice” published on October 21, 2017.


Sheroes vs Bill Cosby

This drawing is inspired by the cover of the The Cut / New York magazine article “I’m No Longer Afraid: 35 Women Tell Their Stories About Being Assaulted by Bill Cosby” published on July 26, 2015.

Additional Reading Material: